Advisor Program
Hero Treatment
The Advisory Program provides students with layers of assistance, both academic and emotional.
Morristown Beard School advisors are responsible for monitoring the academic, social, and personal progress of their advisees as well as serving as a liaison between the School and the home.
While advisors are not certified guidance counselors, they can act as a sounding board for advisees confronted with a variety of issues. Issues too personal or complex for the advisor to handle are referred to a guidance counselor. Advisors also work closely with Grade Deans in determining the nature of a given issue and how best to address it.
monitoring and advising course selections and schedule
serving as an advocate in school matters
showing an interest in extracurricular and athletic commitments
communicating with teachers and parents/guardians when needed
facilitating advisory discussions and activities
serving as the first point of when issues arise
Upper School
The Upper School schedule allows for students and advisors to meet each morning before the academic day begins. This is a valuable time for communication and observation. Advisors will be able to share important information about upcoming events, provide suggestions to improve academic success, and to listen to students’ needs or concerns. Having an awareness of the student’s social and emotional wellbeing is an important part of the advisory program as well. The Advisory Period on Mondays also provides time for goal setting activities, crisis drills, and grade themed discussions.
Middle School
The Middle School schedule is designed to meet the needs of growing adolescent children. Our students begin and end their day in homeroom with their advisors. Our advisors are dedicated, grade specific, teachers committed to mentoring and supporting their advisees throughout their years at MBS. During Advisory period our students and advisors engage in relevant conversations aimed to address character formation and values.
Collaborative Period is a designated time to work with teachers, collaborate with classmates and begin homework.
The end-of-day homeroom is dedicated to organizing materials and preparing for home. We close the school day with sports and activities. We are committed to offering our students ample opportunities on the playing field and believe that good sportsmanship is an integral part of cultivating character.
Parents and Advisors
There is one formal meeting arranged in November for advisors to meet with parents, but parents may also call or e-mail advisors at any time. If a parent contacts an advisor with a question about a specific class, the advisor should ask the parent to call the teacher of the course directly.