MBS Stages a Creepy, Kooky Production of "The Addams Family"

MBS Stages a Creepy, Kooky Production of "The Addams Family"

This year’s MBS Middle School musical is a creepy and kooky production of The Addams Family that brings the beloved and quirky characters to life in an unforgettable way. The funny and heartwarming musical will be staged in Founders Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 23.

The show tells the story of love and friendship through adversity, with a comical and poignant spin. The ghoulish family encounters an unforeseen obstacle when their daughter Wednesday decides to introduce her new “normal” boyfriend and his family to her clan. As the families come together for dinner, chaos ensues and the two parties find themselves admitting deep secrets, coming together in ways they never would have imagined.

The talented cast includes:

Gomez: Jake Greenwood ‘28
Morticia: Jamie Cofer ‘28
Wednesday: Mackenzie Reff ‘30
Pugsley: Giovanna Lattarulo ‘28
Grandma: Ashley Badcock ‘28
Lurch: Caroline Lembrich ‘29
Fester: Noah Shidlovsky ‘28
Lucus: Baxter Thompson ‘28
Mal: Callen LeVasseur ‘28
Alice: Olivia Andrade-Marin ‘30
Ancestors: Evan Cadet ‘29, Haley Chestnut-Stein ‘28, Kelly Cross ‘28, Bella Kantar ‘29, Elise Karosen ‘28, Kai Noel ‘29, Ehiremen Omonzane ‘30, Layla Parrish ‘29, Nahshon Romans ‘29, Anjali Sankar ‘29, Emily Schwegel ’28, Clara Thompson ’30, Charlotte Tuttle ’29, Amelia Yacteen ’29.
Knight in Shining Armor: Oscar

Director: Ben Krauss
Assistant Director: Kaitlin Brown ‘24
Crew: Jaya Pally ‘25, Jay Spencer ’25, Christopher Blancuzzi ‘26, Katherine Chandler ‘26, Eli Morse ’28.
Orchestra: Ben Krauss, Dr. John Girvin, Jeanine Erickson, Jack Song ‘26, Adin Kasmin ’24.


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