MBS Parents Association Casino Night Comes Up Aces

MBS Parents Association Casino Night Comes Up Aces

Our PA Casino Night at the Crystal Plaza in Livingston was a jackpot of fun and excitement! Guests were immersed in the excitement of casino games, enjoyed amazing food, and competed for incredible prizes in both live and online auctions. The energy in the room was electric as friends and neighbors came together to celebrate community, connection, and a night full of luck and laughter. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who rolled the dice with us and helped make this event a winning success!

Thank you to all of our donors and volunteers for lending their support and making the event such a success!

All of the proceeds raised from the event are put directly back into Morristown Beard School.  The proceeds will be used to purchase new lounge furniture in the Middle and Upper School to allow students to collaborate and socialize outside of class. 


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