MBS Introducing Drone Engineering Course

MBS Introducing Drone Engineering Course

Morristown-Beard School is pleased to announce a new elective in the Science Department next year — “Drone Engineering.” In this project-based course, which is open to juniors and seniors, students will design, build, and test drones.

Working both individually and in teams, students will combine science theory and hands-on engineering practice, gaining an introduction to the engineering design process, the rudiments of programming, and operational piloting skills via simulators and in the air. 

Students will be asked to understand complex functions, engineering, and physics, breaking systems down into understandable parts. They will also be asked to synthesize solutions in a complete and flyable design. 

Previous drone experience is not required. A willingness to try new things will be a key for success in the course.

Students interested in the course should email Director of Academic Scheduling and Analytics Rocio Romero at rromero@mbs.net.


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