This week, each MBS 8th Grade student is getting an opportunity to experience life in the Upper School as they shadow a 9th Grader for the morning.
The program, organized by the MBS Office of Admission, is designed to help ease the transition to Upper School for the School’s current 8th Grade Class. The 8th Graders are being paired with a 9th Grade buddy, and are sitting in on classes, meeting with Upper School teachers, and getting a feel for many of the buildings they will soon call home.
After a morning of Upper School classes, the 8th Graders enjoy a pizza lunch and a sundae bar and are able to chat informally with MBS Head of Upper School Ryan Liese.
“We want our 8th Graders to get a sense of what their experience may look like once they get to the Upper School,” said Mr. Liese. “Even though they are already students at MBS, seeing the various buildings, classrooms, and teachers with whom they'll interact next year helps them feel comfortable when they arrive in the fall. They get a chance to see the teachers and students interacting, and really get a sense of the support they will receive as they explore their passions in the Upper School."