Congratulations to 7th Grader Kai Mittler ‘29, who won the MBS Middle School Spelling Bee on Wednesday, May 29. Kai was one of 10 finalists in the competition and he correctly spelled the word “hunky-dory” to take the title.
Caroline Lembrich ‘29 was the runner-up in the Spelling Bee, which was held in Founders Hall. One by one, the students approached the microphone on stage and stood in front of an eerily silent audience to wrestle with words like “sheriff,” “untoward,” and “constellation.”
Congratulations to all of the participants: Ben Breslow ’29, Alex Kothari ’28, Roshan Kothari ’29, Caroline Lembrich ’29, Lucy Meehan ’30, Kai Mittler ’29, Leilah Romeus ’30, Emma Sparkman ’29, Rahul Vaidyanathan ’29, and Timothy Wei ’29.
Special thanks to Middle School English teacher Jackie Forte for organizing the event.