David Hedley III '87 Returns to Share the Story of the MBS Time Capsule

David Hedley III '87 Returns to Share the Story of the MBS Time Capsule

Thirty-eight years ago on a snowy February day, Morristown Beard School students and faculty gathered on Senior Circle to bury a time capsule that was inspired by the 1985-86 approach of Halley’s Comet.  This week, alumnus David Hedley III ’87, who was instrumental in the time capsule project, returned to campus to share the story with the next generation of MBS students.

Hedley, who served as Student Government Association President at the time, worked in close collaboration with MBS administrator and science teacher Bill McBride to get the project started. With the support, advice, and help of many MBS faculty and staff, the successful burying of the MBS time capsule took place on February 10, 1986. 

The capsule’s interment in Senior Circle was covered by the John Gambling Show, the top New York City morning radio show at the time. As Bill McBride wrote at the time, “Monday dawned, but we were up before the sun to hear the interview on WOR at 6:25 a.m.  MBS was on the air!”

The capsule contained school history and memorabilia, photographs, and most meaningfully, student essays addressing what the students of the future might want to know. The installation was timed to coincide with the closest approach of Halley’s Comet to the sun. 

In a 2010 conversation, Bill McBride noted, “Officially, the reopening should be in February 2062 —the comet makes a 76-year circuit—but the marker on Senior Circle is engraved for a fall, 2061 opening. We figured a cold winter freeze could make a February 2062 unearthing impossible; a future generation will decide!”

Guest speaker at All School Meeting.
Guest speaker at All School Meeting.
Picture of the 1986 MBS Time capsule.
1986 Time Capsule.
Photo of the 1986 Time Capsule being put in the ground.
1986 Time Capsule.
Picture from 1986 of an MBS student shaking hands with former Head of School.


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