Comfort Project 360 Club Makes Valentine's Day Care Packages

Comfort Project 360 Club Makes Valentine's Day Care Packages

On Tuesday, February 6, members of the Comfort Project 360 Club led by Jess Byrne '25, Rebecca Lenner '25, and Tommy Byrne '25, made Valentine’s Day mug gift bags to give to patients who are going through cancer treatment at St. Barnabas Medical Center. 

The club hopes to spread love and courage to those battling cancer and to add warmth and positivity to their journeys.

The Comfort Project 360 Club is dedicated to enhancing the overall patient experience at the Cancer Center at St. Barnabas by creating a comforting, calming, and supportive environment for people with cancer and their loved ones.

The group meets every other Tuesday during the Flex period in Barbara Erickson’s room in the Athletic Center.  All are welcome!

MBS students smiling while putting together care packages.
MBS students smiling while putting together care packages.
Packages put together by MBS club members.


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