Ad Astra Society Salutes MBS Employees with 25+ Years of Service

Ad Astra Society Salutes MBS Employees with 25+ Years of Service

Recently, Head of School Liz Morrison honored MBS faculty and staff members in the newly-formed Ad Astra Society — saluting those with 25 or more years of service to the School. 

The group was honored at an inaugural reception at the Park Avenue Club in Florham Park.

“I’m proud to recognize and celebrate these members of our community for their many years of talent, commitment and care to the School,” said Ms. Morrison. “Their dedication to our students and to our mission is truly exemplary!”

The MBS Ad Astra Society includes:

·      Darren Burns P’19, P’22, Chief Innovation Officer
·      Andrea Deventer P’08, Performing Arts Teacher
·      Jeanine Erickson, Art & Design Teacher
·      Paul Fisher P’12, P’16, Computational & Information Sciences Teacher
·      Laurie Hartman, Art & Design Teacher
·      Kathy Hemmer, Receptionist
·      Vaughan Leigh, World Languages Teacher
·      Dana McGuire, Accounting Manager
·      Cathy Meller P’11, P’18, Accounts Payable Manager
·      John Sheppard P’17, Wellness Teacher


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