8th Grade Makerspace Students Create and Illuminate Dodecahedrons

8th Grade Makerspace Students Create and Illuminate Dodecahedrons

With plenty of creative flair, MBS 8th Grade Makerspace students have been creating their own dodecahedron lights this semester in the Center for Innovation & Design (CID).

Working with instructor Matt Martino, each student built a dodecahedron — a polyhedron with 12 flat faces. On each of the sides, the students cut various shapes and patterns with a laser cutter and used different color filters to diffuse the light and create effects. 

At the conclusion of the project, the students presented their work to their classmates, tracing the steps in their creative process, from research and early prototypes to a final product. They also discussed design challenges they encountered along the way and spoke about the ways they would modify and improve their dodecahedrons if they had more time.

The 8th Grade Makerspace course is focused on creative problem-solving. Students in the course work through design challenges and solve problems by prototyping with a number of materials. “Along the way, they expand their imaginations, sharpen their observational skills, and learn to critique with positivity and focus,” said Mr. Martino.


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