Who: US Students
When: March 19, 2022 - March 26, 2022
Trip Leaders: Mr. Turner, Mr. McCormick, Ms. Silvestri
Approximate Cost: $3,400
If you have considered going to the Island School for a semester but didn’t want to spend that much time away from MBS then this trip is for you.
Marine Ecology, Biology, & Conservation: There are ecosystems to explore, investigate and protect.—mangroves, the pelagic zone, flats, coral and near shore reefs.
CEI Research and Lab Studies: Work with scientists to learn about their ongoing marine research projects in the field and in our wet lab.
Sustainable Design & Living: Get a closer look at the sustainable systems they use every day including solar, aquaponics, water collection, waste management and more.
The Island School’s philosophy is place-based learning by doing. You will be very active; expect to spend a lot of time swimming, snorkeling and maybe even a bit of running and biking around Cape Eleuthera.