Anderson Library
Hero Treatment
Research skills and information literacy are essential proficiencies in the information age.
The mission of Anderson Library is to form enthusiastic, competent, and ethical consumers and producers of information. With inquiry-focused research, a diverse and inclusive collection, and focused instruction, students are prepared to navigate all disciplines at MBS as well as the world of information at large.
A Look at the MBS Anderson Library Renovation
Research Across the Curriculum
The research process at Morristown Beard School’s Anderson Library addresses the research and information needs of a 21st-century learner. The head librarian works closely with faculty in all disciplines to create and develop engaging and informative research-based processes, with an emphasis on the importance of inquiry. Students also experience individualized, in-depth conferences with the head librarian that draw on both digital and print sources, from Morristown Beard's holdings to a statewide consortium providing access to a wealth of university-level materials. Due to the ever-present and growing wealth of information students encounter, it is vital that our students learn the skills necessary to navigate this rich, but overwhelming world.
The Windows and Mirrors Approach
The fiction and leisure reading collection at the Anderson Library is carefully curated through a windows and mirrors approach. A well-rounded, empathetic student benefits both from books that mirror their experience and those that provide a window into the lives of others. Careful attention is paid to reflect the diverse experiences of all of our students and people beyond the walls of the school.
Libguides & Library Catalog
Your access to the library outside the library's walls, Libguides and our library catalog help students access the resources they need.
Two full-time librarians provide full services from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and the library is supervised by faculty/staff as a study center from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. weekdays.
We strive to provide a comfortable, scholarly atmosphere conducive to individual study, while also offering support and assistance for individual and group research. The Library staff is committed to providing students and faculty with an extensive information center for study, research, and relaxation.
Library News
Students enjoy final Wellness Wednesday of the school year
Liz Morrison and Erinn Salge participate in The Heads Network Conference
Erinn Salge serves as panelist on "A Lapse in Literacy: How We Fight Back"
Seventh Grade English class learns how to create a compelling BookTok review
Comic book writer Mat Heagerty visits MBS to speak with students
Art students to display works by women artists in Anderson Library
February Wellness Wednesday emphasizes friendship
MBS 10th Grade English students write historical fiction in the library
MBS junior signs copies of her Taylor Swift-inspired holiday novel